• Welcome to I Stutter, So What?

    Posted on March 15, 2012 by in Stuttering

    Istuttersowhat.com recognizes that when it comes to stuttering, everyone”s journey is different.  Some people who stutter strive to become fluent, and some just strive to be confident in themselves and confident in how they speak regardless of if they are stuttering or not.  What “I stutter, so what”, means is that regardless of where you are in your journey, or what you believe in regards to your stuttering, you can stutter with confidence.  Wherever you are on your stuttering journey,  istuttersowhat.com will be right there with you, providing you with support to guide you along on your journey.

    I am not a fluent speaker by any means…I have stuttered since age 3 and I used to feel a lot of shame and embarrassment commonly felt in people who stutter. I have learned several fluency techniques from my many years of speech therapy, but I didn’t start utilizing the techniques until I finally found acceptance. Once I started accepting my stuttering, using the techniques became so much easier for me. I still stutter, sometimes pretty severely, but since I have found acceptance,  I no longer let my control my life and decisions..

    I host a Stutter Social hangout on Google+ every Sunday at 8:00 EST.   These hangouts are a perfect opportunity to connect with other people who stutter from around the world.  In addition to google + hangouts, this website will also feature an istuttersowhat podcast, a message board, and this blog!

    What is a Stutter Social hangout?  Have you ever met other people who stutter?  This is the perfect opportunity for you to connect with people who stutter from around the world. Every sunday night from 8:00 to 10:30 the topic is stuttering on the stuttersocial.com google + hangout.  Log on to google+ and hangout with us.   Participating in a hangout is a fun way to connect with people who stutter, and best of all IT IS FREE!   Its easy!  Just download the software and hook up your webcam and microphone.  Just visit http://stuttersocial.com/faq.php to learn how you can participate in a Stutter Social hangout

    I hope that you all enjoy this website. Feel free to contact me with your comments, questions or suggestions!  Talk to you all soon!





2 responses so far.

  1. Danish Mahmood says:

    I just want to appologize for questioning you about being a speech therapist. I don’t have any right to tell that you can’t be a speech therapist. I actually founded out about Charles Van Riper who, was a severe stutterer and he actually laid the foundations of speech therapy. This shows that this career was started by a stutterer. I liked the fact how you accepted who you are because, this is something that is very hard for me to do. Anyhow, just wanted to ask that what kind of undergraduate degree you need for M.H.Sc in speech pathology? Is socialogy a good one?

    • Evan Sherman says:


      No problem what so ever. I am glad you researched it! You can actually study communication sciences in colleges and universities. This is normally the prerequisite for Speech-Language Pathology programs. There are several great Speech-Language Pathology programs throughout the US. It is a great field to get into.

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